Jordan Vase, Leather Leaf, Salal, Misty Blue, Pink Roses.
This bouquet is full of beauty and grace! Filled with beautiful light pink roses and lively greenery, Soft Pink Dozen is a timeless mix that will be an instant hit. Delicate and delightful, this sweet dozen will be the highlight of any occasion!
Clear Glass Urn Vase, Greens: Salal, Silver Dollar Eucalyptus, Flowers: Red Roses, White Wax Flower.
For the most marvelous and exquisite arrangement, send our three dozen red roses. The epitome of love and romance, they will be in awe when they receive this bouquet!
Flowers sound like a simple choice, right? Not these! Our Premium Designer’s Choice Valentine’s Day arrangement is spectacularly designed by professionals for a stunning and romantic bouquet that will have them falling in love with you all over again! Send something extraordinary this Valentine’s Day.